World Premiere of Ornamento e delitto – 4-9 Ottobre 2019- Trienal de Lisboa
Ornamento e delitto is a movie-essay, which is produced to present the XV Milan Triennale in 1973, whose Architecture section is curated by Aldo Rossi. The film is made by Rossi himself, with Gianni Braghieri and Franco Raggi, and the technical collaboration of the director Luigi Durissi. The film consists of sequences taken from Senso (Luchino Visconti), Otto e mezzo (Federico Fellini), Senilità (Mauro Bolognini), Roma (Federico Fellini). The scenes of the selected films are alternated with photographs of rational architecture, sequences shot in the industrial periphery of Milan and archive footages. The narrator reads pieces by Adolf Loos, Walter Benjamin, Karl Marx and Hans Schmidt.
16mm film, 43’
A film by: Aldo Rossi, Gianni Braghieri and Franco Raggi
Director: Luigi Durissi
Courtesy: Fondazione Aldo Rossi, Franco Raggi and Gianni Braghieri
Restoration: in collaboration with Cineteca di Bologna, accomplished by L’Immagine ritrovata